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Dialysis Facility Reports

University of Michigan Kidney Epidemiology & Cost Center carries out epidemiological, clinical, medical outcomes, public policy, and economic research relating to End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), and organ transplantation. Annually, the Center, along with Arbor Research Collaborative for Health, produces the Dialysis Facility Reports which allow dialysis providers to compare the characteristics of their facility’s patients, patterns of treatment, and patterns in transplantation, hospitalization, and mortality to local and national averages.

Beginning in 2010, the distribution of the DFRs shifted from paper-based to electronic-based, via the secure website facility has designated a Master Account Holder (MAH) who has the ability to access the DFRs and assign access to additional facility-level users.  For more information on accessing your facility's DFR or about MAH credentialing, please contact the Quality Insights Renal Network 4 office.