Patient Representative Program
Quality Insights Renal Network 4 believes that the presence of Patient Representatives in each dialysis center is critical for its in-center initiatives and for the Patient Representatives’ fellow patients’ awareness of the Network. We realize the value in having a liaison to the Network in-center to ensure the delivery of Network materials, messaging and support.
The Patient Representative Program is made up of people who are on dialysis or have had a kidney transplant and have been chosen to serve as Patient Representatives at their clinic. Our goal for this program is to have Patient Representatives spread the word that Dialysis Means Life (DML). Patient Representatives volunteer to serve as liaisons to Network 4 and the dialysis facility administration. The Network provides Patient Representatives with information from the Network and its various committees. The information may be in the form of news from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) or educational materials to be handed out to fellow patients.
Patient Representatives may be asked to:
- Assist with special projects at the dialysis facility.
- Act as mentors, particularly to new patients, introducing them to Network activities and publications, including the Network 4 patient rights and responsibilities, Network 4 grievance procedures and the Network newsletters.
- Bring patient concerns and questions to the facility administration during Quality and Governing Body meetings.
- Contact the Network at the toll-free number to report patient concerns or questions from your facility.
Learn more about the Network 4 Patient Representative Program by watching this video.
Administrative Meetings
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) believe patient participation in Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) is a key component in ESRD Patient Engagement. As your dialysis facility’s patient representative you should be invited to participate in QAPI. Below are some guidelines for administrators and patient representatives to consider regarding patient involvement in administrative meetings. Also posted below is a patient representative quality meeting notes outline that patient representatives are welcome to use when attending administrative meetings.
Patient Representative Toolkit
Speak with your social worker, clinic manager or call the Network at 800-548-9205 if you'd like to hear more about becoming a Patient Representative at your dialysis center.