Patient Toll-Free Number: 800.548.9205

Updating Information in EQRS

It is very important that all facilities maintain current facility information in EQRS. The Network uses this information to mail, fax, and e-mail you about various things, such as missing data, educational opportunities, breaking news, emergency events, etc. You should review you facility’s information regularly and check it for accuracy.


  • Changes in address, phone, and fax numbers should be made immediately in EQRS, so that the information always remains up-to-date and we can always reach you.  

  • Hours of operation and shift times should also be updated regularly, so that information is reflected properly on the Dialysis Facility Compare website and Networks can more easily coordinate emergency efforts with your facility staff.
All facility changes can be made in EQRS under the Facility Module:
  • after logging in, simply choose Facilities from the main EQRS page,
  • do a search for your facility by CCN
  • choose your facility from the results by clicking on it, and then,
  • choose Edit Facility from the available options at the top of the page.

Most fields can be edited and you can save your changes by clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the page.  If you have any questions you can always contact the Network, or view the training materials at the website.